영어23 영어 공부에 대한 청사진 이근철 선생님의 인터뷰 자료를 읽고 기록을 해둬야 겠다는 생각이 들어서 글을 남긴다. 선생님이 예전에 했던 방법들에 대한 설명이 조금 있기는 한데, 내용은 그리 신선하지는 않다. 주한미국방송인 'AFKN' 을 들었다는 것과 외국 영화, 음악, 만화를 많이 봤다라는 것이다.나도 운전 중일 때뿐이긴 하지만, TBS eFM 방송을 항상 틀어놓고 다닌다. 태반 들을 수 없는 말이긴 하지만, 확실히 영어가 익숙해지는데는 도움이 되는 것 같긴하다. 영어를 들었을 때 거부감은 줄어들은 것 같다는 말이다.외국 영화, 음악, 만화는 한 때 줄기차게 봤다. 물론 알아먹지 못하는 말들이라, 한국어 자막을 켜놓고 듣긴 했지만... 이 때는 영어 공부에 대한 열망이나 의지를 가지고 실천한 것은 아닌 듯 하다. 아무튼, 영어 공.. 2017. 1. 10. chicken Chicken is my favorite food.I think that all of my family like it.My wife has the opinion that we should reduce the opportunity to eat chicken. But she makes a good meal of chicken, when it is delivered.My daughter seems to take after me. she liked chicken when she ate it at first time. She especially like the crispy batter part. So my wife is worried about it.The chicken which I ate in my youth.. 2016. 10. 20. insomnia Recently, I saw several times that my wife was awake late at night.I asked her, "Aren't you going to sleep?". But she was watching smartphone, replying that she could not sleep.So, she doesn't often get up easily in the morning. She is half asleep, when she goes to work.I read an article about insomnia. Generally, in order to care for insomnia, sleeping pills are taken. However, the longer the p.. 2016. 10. 18. Bob dylan American singer Bob Dylan is being awarded the 2016 Novel Prize in Literature.There is a dispute over what he is being awarded the prize. It is viewed as a big step away from 112 years of the tradition of the prize.But I want to praise his achievement.Frankly speaking, I don’t know him well. I heard several songs of him. Only “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” is familiar to me.However, it is known tha.. 2016. 10. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음